MUTABLE,COMMUNICATOR, either in thought or action. You won't feel comfortable in a leadership position, nor in a profession that compels you to stay in the same place all the time. One of your functions is to bring together people with mutual interests, to operate as an intermediary or to offer a service.
Gemini is an AIR sign and this makes you curious, sociable and mentally very active. All occupations that stimulate your intellect and the possibility of communicating will be very favorable. You need variety, change, travel and exchange of ideas. You have the ability to accomplish two tasks at the same time. However, you will have to learn to be constant, patient and to control the speed of your thoughts.
You are very curious and your mind always solicits more information. Your young and jovial attitude will permit you to get acquainted with others easily and your great adaptability allows you to adjust to any conversation. You may be a bit immature and naive in your judgments, which many times could lead to entanglements in problems or complex and unexpected relationships. You are very sharp-witted and ideas and solutions that nobody ever thought of might come to you.
Although you like freedom and tend to get bored easily with people, you are very dependent on those you admire or love. You like to be with your close friends, especially the possibility of commenting and talking about everything you experience. You are also very attracted to trips to novel and different places.
You were born to study, to write, to learn and to communicate. Your principal function in life is to receive and to give verbal as well as written information. You were born to unite people, to sponsor businesses, to create solutions, and to teach.
To evolve, your spirit will have to learn to control restlessness, anxiety and nervousness that sometimes hurries you and doesn't permit you to adequately accomplish your plans. You will have to learn to be more persevering and less influenced by others, not to speak so much of your projects and to accomplish more, to concentrate on your objectives, and to avoid getting entangled in discussions or gossip.